Alcoholics Anonymous
AA is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others recover from alcoholism. There are no dues or fees.

Altar Linen Caretakers
Altar Linen Caretakers wash and iron all linens used during liturgies and baptisms. All linens must be picked up Sunday and returned during the week.

Altar Server Coordinator
The Altar Server Coordinator assists in training new servers, scheduling, assigning servers for funerals and weddings and in preparing servers for special Masses.

Altar Servers
Altar Servers play a very important part during the Mass. Their role includes: We are always looking for more interested boys and girls. Altar servers must be at least in […]

Athletics CYO
Our coaches are committed to providing a CYO program to help our youth realize their full potential. Principles of fair play and sportsmanship must govern every game.

Experienced singers with a strong voice and confident presence serve as cantors who lead congregational singing at the Mass. Cantors should have music-reading ability and be able to learn music […]

Children’s Choir
Children’s Choir is for both our Parish School children and our Parishioner children for Grades 1 through 8th. The Children’s Choir will sing at one Saturday Vigil Mass (5 pm) […]

Extraordinary Ministers
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are men and women who have reached the age of 18 and are practicing Catholics who assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at regularly scheduled Masses.

Facilities Committee
Members of this committee work on the maintenance and repair of all issues on church property. If the problem is able to be fixed by volunteers, the best qualified members […]

Finance Committee
Members of this committee are appointed by the pastor to oversee the financial matters of the parish.

Food Pantry
The Food Pantry’s mission is to help area residents (both parishioners and non-parishioners) who cannot feed themselves or their families Located in the Parish Office at 603 W. Broad Street, […]

Girl Scouts
At St. Isidore Parish, we proudly support Girl Scouts of all levels, from Daisies through Ambassadors. What sets our parish scouts apart is our strong emphasis on faith, seamlessly integrating […]

Hispanic Ministry
The mission of the Hispanic ministry is to bring the word of Jesus Christ to the Hispanic community and facilitate their integration into the life of the parish while celebrating […]

Knights of Columbus
Saint Isidore Council #4649 The Knights was formed to render financial aid to members and their families. Mutual aid and assistance are offered to sick, disabled and needy members and […]

Landscaping Committee
The Landscape Committee is responsible for the landscaped areas around the Church, La Pieta garden and Rectory. Volunteers are needed for weeding and Spring/Fall clean up and our major fund raiser of the year, […]

A lector assists in Mass by reading the two scripture readings as well as the intentions for that Mass. Workbooks and workshops are provided to help in this ministry. CONTACTS: Deacon […]

Mobile Manna Ministry
Mobile Manna Ministry is an extension of the St. Isidore Food Pantry. Ministry members serve clients in the Quakertown community who are unable to purchase all of their own food […]

Mom’s Group
The St. Isidore Moms’ Group is a community of parish moms who get together frequently for spiritual, service, and social activities. Open to all moms with kids of any age, […]

Music Ministries
Are you looking for place to share your talents and gifts in our Church Liturgy? Do you love to sing but hold back because no one around you is singing? […]

Parents As Partners Association (PAPA)
Our school’s version of a “Home and School Association”. We have committees that assist in School Help, Social Activities, Fundraising, and Solicitation. If you have a child at the school, […]

Parish Religious Education Program
Our parish religious education program serves over 300 parish families each year. A staff of 60 volunteer catechists and aides offer religious education to approximately 450 students, grades 1 through […]

Pastoral Council
Parish Council’s role is to advise the Pastor in parish matters. It develops and recommends pastoral plans through a consensus process and prayerful reflection. Its membership is representative of the entire parish […]

Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Saint Isidore Prayer Shawl Ministry is a dedicated group of knitters and crocheters that meet once a month to craft prayer shawls, lap shawls for retired veterans, baby blankets, […]

Respect Life Committee
The Respect Life (RL) group is made up of a group of men and women who come together monthly to discuss life issues at all stages of life with particular focus on giving voice to the unborn.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
We welcome all adults wishing to become a part of our Catholic Community. We meet on Thursday evenings in the church’s Multi Purpose Room beginning September 21, 2022. We concentrate on […]

Sacred Seasons
Sacred Seasons is a committee responsible for decorating the main church and day chapel during the two Liturgical seasons, Christmas and Easter. They also take care of decorating the sanctuary […]

St Vincent de Paul Society
The St. Vincent DePaul Society supplies the needy in the local communities who contact us with financial and spiritual assistance which includes: aiding people to pay their rent or utilities; […]

St. Isidore School
The St. Isidore School community is a vital part of the St. Isidore Parish. We share in the teaching mission of the parish. Teachers, staff and parents share the Good […]

The Ministry of an Usher is considered to be one of hospitality. The duties of an Usher are as follows: CONTACT: Christopher Gowin, 215-538-7040, cgowin1@verizon.net

Women’s Book Club
Women’s Book Club. We read and discuss different books of interest that help us grow closer to each other and our relationship with God. We meet every Wednesday evening at […]

Women’s Club of St. Isidore
The women’s club was established in March 2014 for the purpose of raising funds to help pay the church debt while having fun. Planned events include an annual Fashion Show […]

Youth Group
Youth Group is open to all teens in grades 8-12. Meetings are held at the Father Riegler Center on Sunday evenings from 6:30 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. and offer teens […]