Facilities Committee

Facilities Committee

Members of this committee work on the maintenance and repair of all issues on church property. If the problem is able to be fixed by volunteers, the best qualified members of the parish are contacted for assistance. All larger tasks are discussed with the Finance Committee. We are always looking for more volunteers.

CONTACT: Fran Murray, franmurray2@aol.com and Craig Fraser, 215-536-6052, izzybiz@comcast.net

Altar Server Coordinator

Altar Server Coordinator

The Altar Server Coordinator assists in training new servers, scheduling, assigning servers for funerals and weddings and in preparing servers for special Masses.

Altar Linen Caretakers

Altar Linen Caretakers

Altar Linen Caretakers wash and iron all linens used during liturgies and baptisms. All linens must be picked up Sunday and returned during the week.



The Ministry of an Usher is considered to be one of hospitality.

The duties of an Usher are as follows:

  • greet parishioners and visitors as they gather for the celebration of Mass
  • assist in seating people
  • take up the collection
  • direct the Communion procession
  • distribute Sunday bulletins after Mass
  • assist in any emergencies that may occur
  • invite parishioners to take part in the Offertory procession.

CONTACT: Christopher Gowin, 215-538-7040, cgowin1@verizon.net