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Permission to podcast/stream the music in this Mass obtained from One License with License#400544-M
Permission to podcast/stream the music in this Mass obtained from One License with License#400544-M
Congrats to Susan Truehart, winner of the December 50/50 drawing of $335.00. Ms. Truehart has donated her half of the funds back to the school. May God bless her.
Congrats to the Berwind family. They won the November 50/50 raffle if $157.50 and have donated it back to the school. Thank you so much and may God bless.
St. Isidore School, Quakertown
St. Isidore offers a Catholic education for boys and girls from ages 3 - Grade 8. Accredited by Midd
St Isidore school is on a 2 hr delay tomorrow Jan 21. CARES will open at 8:30 students are to report between 10-10:25. Please have students in their coats ready to leave the car upon arrival. Thank You
“The time is always right to do what is right.”What are you doing for your day of service
St Isidore School is on a 2 hr delay, Friday, Jan. 17. CARES will open at 8:30 am. Be safe in your travels!
Come support our children’s choir!!! They will be singing GodBless America before the game!! Great time for friends and families!!!fevo-enterprise.com/event/Stisidore22